COVID-19 is, first and foremost a global humanitarian challenge and a medical emergency. However, we are well aware of its impact on creative entrepreneurs and freelancers. The ecosystem and sector are hit really hard economically and probably many of you have seen their clients and projects decrease in the last few weeks. The lockdown has surely affected artists, cultural professionals, designers, musicians and connected cultural professions.
What kind of support has been made available for entrepreneurs and freelancers – especially designers and artists? What are the criteria to access it? What is the procedure?
We can understand you might have a lot of questions, therefore The Artist & The Others and FASHIONCLASH set up an online Q&A session (via Zoom) with Marcel van Kasteren from StartersCentrum Limburg. In this informative meeting he will give you a clear overview on the current opportunities and existing support from the Dutch government for entrepreneurs and freelancers.
Practical Information
Date: Thursday 9th of April
Time: 14.00 - 16:00
Location: Online (via Zoom)
Language: English
About StartersCentrum Limburg
For starting a business in Limburg, the StartersCentrum Limburg is the first point of contact for many entrepreneurs and freelancers in the province of Limburg. The StartersCentrum supports anyone wanting to start their own business and advises entrepreneurs on initial challenges they may encounter. This is made possible by a unique collaboration between a collective of Limburg municipalities and regional partners.