Schone Kleren Campagne

Driven by the belief that things must and can be different, Schone Kleren Campagen (Clean Clothes Campaign) works towards a transparent and fair garment industry where garment workers work under fair and safe conditions and earn a living wage. This, of course, in a workplace where their rights are not violated and where they have the opportunity to organize within a union.

The Clean Clothes Campaign was founded in the Netherlands as Schone Kleren Campagne (SKC) in 1989. From late 1980’s activists began calling out clothing companies on their responsibility, and the media increasingly reported on exploitation in the supply chains of well-known brands. Activists, organizations, and unions in both consumer and production countries joined forces, and from the 1990s onwards, a growing global network was formed. This network is now called the Clean Clothes Campaign, which currently includes 224 organizations (unions, homeworker organizations, women’s and research groups, labor rights and consumer organizations, activists) from 45 countries, all working to improve working conditions in the (sports) clothing industry. Our grassroots network, based on cooperation and solidarity, forms a strong coalition to challenge and change the power dynamics in the garment industry.

The Handmade exhibition by Schone Kleren Campagne is an interactive exhibition about what happens within the production chains of our clothing. Through the stories of young garment workers, the exhibition reveals the complex and exploitative workings of the fast fashion industry, including a series of photos from Labour Behind the Label accompanied by informative videos.

Centre Céramique
Avenue Ceramique 50, Maastricht


Max Niereisel


Sofie Kramer