Success Stories

Jo Cope

Shoes Have Names: Jo Cope x Shelter

Shoes Have Names: Jo Cope x Shelter

Conceptual Designer
Leicester, United Kingdom

“I dream of a world which is more content and empathetic, where the environment is protected and treated with the utmost respect, where humans from every corner of the planet are treated with a great sense of individual worth and humanity”; these are the words of Jo Cope, who is a British multifaceted conceptual fashion artist based in Leicester, United Kingdom. After graduating from London College of Fashion in Fashion Artefacts (MA) in 2016, she went on to take on a variety of projects and collaborations. 

Jo’s work is characterized by the colour red, relationships between the body, its surrounding space and wider connections to being human. Her conceptual interpretations of fashion are particularly focused around the feet. “I use fashion as a positive tool within society, to create work that has a genuine impact on people’s lives.” Jo participated in FASHIONCLASH Festival in 2017 and 2019. “FASHIONCLASH is a progressive platform which brings together a community of like-minded fashion related designers/artists who want to engage with an audience. It connected me to debates and dialogue and other exceptional fashion outsiders”. 

Jo found one of many successes when her shoes took their place in 'The History of the Shoe’ exhibition at Musée des Arts Décoratif in Paris. Furthermore, she recently has been working on a piece that will be exhibited at a gallery in Israel later in 2020. Jo wants to continue to challenge and expand her practice and the future role and purpose of fashion in society. Recently Jo has been working on a community-based project with Shelter (a charity organization) where she brings together 10 designers with 10 individuals who have faced homelessness.