Success Stories

Laura Snijders


Laura Snijders
The Hague, The Netherlands

Laura Snijders is a designer from Groningen, The Netherlands. She studied Fashion and Textile at the Royal Acadamy of Art in The Hague, graduating in 2018. Soon after that, she started her own company and is currently active as an artist and freelance designer.

She has participated in various FASCHIONCLASH projects since 2018. “After participating in the last two FASHIONCLASH editions, I learned a lot about myself and my work process. I think FASHIONCLASH is a wonderful initiative and I truly admire the team and how they manage to create a festival about such a wide spectrum of fashion.”

Color and graphical elements are the first thing that will catch your eye when you take a look at her work. She often layers materials within her work in order to convey a message. She is interested in creating work that can be interpreted in various manners. An importance on conveying joy and positive thoughts is also an important factor to her. She values talking to others and exchanging thoughts about art making and considers it of great importance to her creative process.

She addresses several topics within her work, such as: norms, capitalism, behavior, ways of dressing, systems, order and logic. She is quite busy with perfecting her printing techniques and learning new ones. Her dream for the future is that someone comes up with a more equal societal system rather than the capitalist system that currently presides over us.

Currently, Laura has joined an art collective and initiative called: Hgtomi Rosa. They exchange thoughts and create exhibitions together. Their focus is on the public showing of works and nourishing others individual practices.

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Laura Snijders in collaboration with Inge Vaandering New Fashion Narratives exhibition for FASHIONCLASH Festival 2020 Photo: Laura Knipsael

Laura Snijders in collaboration with Inge Vaandering
New Fashion Narratives exhibition for FASHIONCLASH Festival 2020
Photo: Laura Knipsael