Success Stories

NEO Design

Photo: Alek Živković

Photo: Alek Živković

NEO Design
Fashion Designer
Belgrade, Serbia

Nevena Ivanovic is a Serbian fashion designer operating under the name NEO Design, which she describes as a ‘one-woman band’. She started her professional career after finalizing Fashion Design at Mod’Art International in Belgrade in 2014 and still calls this city her home.

Nevena’s work is characterized by strong shapes, a warrior-like appearance with a focus on details, layers and textures. Ethno motives, mystic themes and a costume-ish look are elements that make her work stand out. She participated in Dress to Protest in 2019 and FASHIONCLASH Festival in 2017. “I appreciate that FASHIONCLASH is working so hard not just to promote alternative and young designers but also educate, connect, give them space to think outside of the box, and supports them at the start of their careers.” Nevena won various prizes and awards in one year, such as the B-Future competition, and the FASHION SCOUT SOUTH EAST EUROPE Award. Even though she gained a lot of recognition, she does acknowledge she is fortunate to do what she loves and to make a living out of it. “Be true to yourself, explore, have fun, and work like bonkers!”

For the future, Nevena would like to learn how to direct videos and short movies but also to develop her costume design skills and create a successful brand in costume design. She dreams of a future where people care more about the planet, other people and themselves - a world that can be expressed through clothing, art, and beauty in all shapes. 

NEO Design is one of the participants of the Clash House during FASHIONCLASH Festival 2020.


Photo: Alek Živković