
Open Call Residency: Decoloniality in the context of the Netherlands

FASHIONCLASH is organizing a 5-day residency in Maastricht (24-28 June 2024) centered around the theme of fashion and decoloniality in the context of the Netherlands.

Approximately 10 fashion practitioners will reflect and elaborate on the theme in open conversations, collaborative making sessions, walks and fieldtrips, combined with guest speakers. The outcome, as a ‘result’ from the residency, serves as an open-end but could eventually become a starting point for a documentary, exhibition, publication, podcast, etc.

The content of the residency is centered around the question: What does decoloniality mean in the context of the Netherlands? The aim is not to come up with answers, but create a safe and fertile space for learning, thinking, reflecting, exchanging thoughts and experiences, and eventually posing new questions, that might lead to new projects.

Global Fashioning Assembly 2024

The outcome of the residency will be featured in the programme of the Global Fashioning Assembly 2024 (GFA24), as part of the Lowlands Decolonial Fashion Network (LDFN) hosting. This event takes place on 11 October (15:00 – 17:00, CET). LDFN for GFA24 is a collaboration between Research Collective for Decoloniality & Fashion, together with FASHIONCLASH, The Linen Project, Tailors & Wearers and Crafts Council Netherlands. During this event, the participants of the residency week are going into conversation with each other and the global GFA online community.

Who can join?

This residency is open for everyone from all walks of life, who identify as a fashion* practitioner. Experience within the topic is not required; motivation for participation, availability, flexibility and interest in working with others is more important. Your application consists of a short motivation for participation in the project and a completed registration form, including a CV and a short biography (personal and/or practice).

* fashion as a discipline in the broadest sense of the word, including clothing, textile, jewelry, crafts, research, styling, photography, writing, etc.  


The residency is a physical event and participants are expected to be present in person in Maastricht, from Monday 24 June until Friday 28 June. Included in the residency week is a stay at The Green Elephant Hostel, in a shared room with other participants. Participants receive a participation fee of €750,- ex. VAT and travel allowance, with a maximum of €60,-).

Interested in participating?

Register before Thursday 6 June 2024 by completing the application form on this page. Selection will be based on first-come-first-served principle and taking into account that participants represent diverse backgrounds and perspectives. A final confirmation for participation will be communicated by e-mail on Friday 7 June.

*It’s no longer possible to register*

By applying, you agree to the Terms and Conditions that apply to participation.

This residency is the first in the series on related to topic of decoloniality in relation to fashion. It is an open process in which we are certainly not experts, but above all a facilitator of a dialogue between different makers and organizations.

For a number of years, FASHIONCLASH has been active in learning and contributing to a better, supportive, equal and healthy system. Supporting initiatives and makers who are committed to this is part of that. We participate in network meetings, lectures and organize knowledge-sharing to learn for ourselves and to show underrepresented perspectives. With this residency, we aim to bring together a network that we have met in recent years around the topic of 'decoloniality' and connect this to other networks or makers and organizations that want to join.

Residency: Decoloniality in the context of the Netherlands is made possible thanks to the support of Creative Industries Funds NL, and supported by Research Collective for Decoloniality & Fashion and organizations connected to Lowlands Decolonial Fashion Network (LDFN) .