On Wednesday 17 May, the 1-day Fashion Film Bootcamp took place at Lumière Cinema in Maastricht.
This inspiring day included various workshops about topics such as scenography, directing and script writing, with Diek Pothoven (MARTAN/ CZAR), Daniel van Hauten and Jeroen Mourmans.
After this, the participants were put together in small teams where they got the opportunity to brainstorm about a first concept for their own short fashion film. Each team was composed out of a mix of disciplines and backgrounds, including fashion designers & stylists, theatre makers, performers, film makers, and even philosophers!
One week after the Fashion Film Bootcamp, on Wednesday 24 May, all teams were invited to (online) pitch a proposal. The winning team is ‘The Leap’, with Amber Rozema, Solar Vlaar, Yana Engelbrecht, Jelena Bondt and Damiano Bodei. They are awarded with a budget to realize the film under expert guidance (and in collaboration) with filmmaker Daniel van Hauten.
Their fashion film will premiere during FASHIONCLASH Festival 2023 on Friday 17 November at Lumière Cinema in Maastricht.