Marie-Sophie Beinke

Winners- FASHIONCLASH Fashion Film Festival 2017


Saturday evening, 4 November, the FASHIONCLASH Fashion Film Festival 2017 the Award Ceremony concluded the program at Lumière Cinema Maastricht.

FFFF is the first international fashion film festival in the Netherlands. The program contained screenings with a selection of more than 60 short fashion films from all over the world.  FFFF showcased both emerging and established filmmakers and designers who experiment with the genre.

Jury members
Diane Pernet (founder ASVOFF, fashion critic) Michael Daks (director and photographer) Richard Dols (filmmaker and director at DocFest) Leendert Sonnevelt (editor-in-chief Glamcult Magazine) Marcel Schlutt (editor-in-chief KALTBLUT Magazine)

Winners and Nominees are:

Best Fashion Film (price: € 1500) 1. A Hommage to David Bowie in Sound and Vision, CANADA     2. Club 99.7, Nina Holmgren 3. Butt Muscle Christeene, Matt Lambert 4. Don't you know you're a queen, Arice 5. Breaking Rules, Victor Claramunt 6. Georgetown Optician "The Eye Ball', Dean Alexander

Best Dutch Fashion Film (Canon Nederland award, Canon EOS 77D Camera)1. iii, Femke Huurdeman, Suze Milius, Marie-Sophie Beinke     2. Gallivant, Bram van Dijk 3. Ninety-Four: The Course of War, David Jan Bronsgeest 4. Burning Oceans Into Deserts, Emma Westenberg 5. Martan, Daan Groot

Best Emerging Talent (price: € 500) 1. Parallel Pyramid Platform, Daniel van Hauten, Studio Dennis Vanderbroeck, Emmanuel A.Ryngaert 2 iii, Femke Huurdeman, Suze Milius, Marie-Sophie Beinke 3. Ninety-Four: The Course of War, David Jan Bronsgeest 4. Burning Oceans Into Deserts, Emma Westenberg 5. #WeBelieveInThePowerOfLove, Luca Finoti 6. The12Project, Hadi Moussally

FASHIONCLASH One-to-watch(price: € 500) Burning Oceans Into Deserts, Emma Westenberg for Hardeman