A celebration of our individual identity

“What do we express in the light and who do we want to become when everyone's watching?”

On Saturday evening, 18 November, fashion and identity could literally be celebrated during the Afterparty at Dans- en Partycentrum Bernaards. For this project, FASHIONCLASH collaborated with theater maker and performer Samuel Valor Reyes. The FASHIONCLASH Festival Afterparty was an invitation to celebrate our individual identity; an act of community, empowerment, safe spaces and individual expression to play with the idea of ​​who we are in the shadows when no one is looking through fashion, music, dance, performance and spoken word!

Samuel invited a number of performers for this evening: Jento Schaf, Mikael De Geyter, Renzo Pepers and Nata Mandaria shared the stage together with participants of the Movement and Making workshops that were organized prior to the festival.

Join Movement & Fashion workshops for the Afterparty!

Rumour has it, but we can confirm: this year there will be an Afterparty again during FASHIONCLASH Festival on Saturday 18 November!

The FASHIONCLASH Festival Afterparty is back! You can now join movement and/or fashion making workshops, and be part of a performance that will take place during the Afterparty. Do you dare to take the stage and express yourself? Join the workshops! Participation is free, no experience required.

What do we express in the light and who do we want to become when everyone’s watching?

The Afterparty is an invitation to celebrate our individual identities; an act of community, empowerment, safe spaces and individual expression. Put your dancing shoes on, because through fashion, music, dance, performance and spoken word, we invite you to play with the idea of who we are in the shadows when no one is watching! What do we express in the light and who do we want to become when everyone’s watching? We want to invite you to present yourself in which way feels closest to the inner you.

The FASHIONCLASH Festival Afterparty takes place at Dans-en Partycentrum Bernaards in Maastricht on Saturday 18 November (22:00 – 02:00). Tickets go on sale on Thursday 19 October.

Leading up to the Afterparty, we invite you to join a series of both movement workshops and/or fashion making workshops. The movement workshops are all about expressing yourself and organized for those who dare to take the stage in a performance during the Afterparty – no experience needed!

If you prefer to express your creativity throughout creating an outfit, you are more than welcome to join 1 of the fashion making workshops, where you will be working on an outfit for the performers of the movement workshops, or create something for yourself, to wear during the Afterparty. It’s possible to join both movement workshops and making workshops!

Movement workshops

In these workshops, guided by Jento Schaf (he/him) and Mikael De Geyter (they/them) you will look for your unique movement qualities that are associated with the creation of an alter-ego. You will explore your individual expression and internalize it in your body. Together we focus on presenting your inner and physical 'higher-self' and investigate what that 'higher-self' brings you. In a universe of catwalks and runways, the words empowerment, safe space and self-confidence are the central topics of these workshops.

Practical information
Dates: Sunday 8 October, Sunday 15 October, Sunday 22 October
Time: 13:00 – 16:00
Location: The Masters, Hoogbrugstraat 42 in Maastricht

For who?
Ideally, we are looking for participants who want to join all 3 workshops and the performance during the Afterparty, but it’s not mandatory.  You can join the movement workshops if you are 12 years or older – there is no age limit! If you are under 18, you can only join the performance during the Afterparty if you are accompanied by an adult – preferably a parent/ guardian. Experience to participate is not required! All workshops are free of charge, but it’s mandatory to sign up in advance.

It’s no longer possible to sign up

About the workshop hosts
Jento Schaf (he/him) is a dancer and choreographer that likes to mix various genres of dance together. After years of traveling and training in lots of dance styles, he has developed his own unique movement language called ‘Fusion’. He experiments with mixing styles like HipHop, Contemporary, Waacking, etc. and faces them with concepts, such as shapes and lines, dynamic contrasts, musicality, fluidity, isolated movements, feminine vs masculine energy, and expressive storytelling-based movements.

Jento wants to create a safe space where everyone, regardless of their gender, ethnicity, sexuality or any other intersection, can experiment with their subconscious way of moving and give people tools to harness these skills.

Mikael De Geyter (they/them) is a multidisciplinary performing artist and model, based in Brussels. Developing their own style in heels, with influences and fusion of Vogue Femme/New Way, Waacking & Contemporary, its their goal to introduce you to their tools: the basics of heels technique, understanding of musicality, body coordination, and philosophy around movement and self-expression, for you to create your own path within this style.

Fashion Making workshops

In the fashion making workshops you will be working on an outfit for the performers of the movement workshops, or create something for yourself, to wear during the Afterparty. The fashion making workshops are guided by Marlou Breuls, founder of House of Rubber.

Practical Information
Saturday 4 November + Sunday 5 November
Time: 11:00 - 16:00
Location: The Masters, Hoogbrugstraat 42 in Maastricht

For who?
If you like to express your creativity throughout creating an outfit, you are more than welcome to join the fashion making workshops. We recommend to join both workshops, but it’s not mandatory. We advise children under the age of 12 to be accompanied by an adult or parent/ guardian. All fashion making workshops are free of charge but it’s mandatory to sign up in advance.

It’s no longer possible to sign up

About the fashion making workshop host
House of Rubber is a creative studio with an interdisciplinary artistic practice, based in Amsterdam. Located between the realms of fashion and sculpture, their goal is to challenge the traditional perception of these disciplines and blur their distinctive characteristics into one and other. They value playful optimism and creative fun over formal and minimalism, creating our own wondrous universe where rules are allowed to be broken, bended or abandoned.

Founder Marlou Breuls lets every work gradually take shape with her open-minded and intuitive design process. Her work is characterized by material-driven research, playful serendipity and happy accidents. The studio’s love for experimentation and craftmanship translates itself into highly material-driven works of art that push wearability, tactility, softness and otherworldly textures to the forefront. House of Rubber produces everything from ballgowns trapped in rugs and otherworldly latex bodysuits, to wobbly floor lamps and rubbery jewelry that droops down from the wearer’s ears. With the surprising range of our work, we invite the audience to be amused, surprised, and welcomed in investigating every aspect of our designs.

About the FASHIONCLASH Festival Afterparty
The concept for the FASHIONCLASH Afterparty is co-created with Samuel Valor Reyes (1996, he/him - they/them), a theater maker (Maastricht Theater Academy) and performance artist of Spanish origin. In his work, bodies and how they communicate always play a leading role. In his movements he wants to cause electricity, disruption and joy.

Samuel always starts from clashing or blending crossovers in which image, formality and meaning come together. His work tests the limits of a space in relation to people. The result is an absurd, colorful world in which the search for connection, empowerment, queerness, identity, rituals and jumping and falling bodies are central.

The Afterparty is part of Fashion Makes Sense, the participation program of FASHIONCLASH, supported by Fonds voor Cultuurparticipatie.