Orlando: The New Chapter is an artistic research project based on Virgina Woolf’s novel Orlando. With this project a number of students from Toneelacademie Maastricht (Maastricht Theatre Academy) were linked to the content of the Fitting In exhibition at Z33 in Hasselt (Belgium).
Orlando describes the life of a poet whose gender changes from male to female and who lives for centuries. A beautiful, poetic look at gender, identity, poetry, time, love and life. Students reflect on themes of gender, feminism, transformation and identity, building an additional chapter to the book. What would Orlando do in today’s society? What commitment would Orlando make and in what context?
Throughout the evening, the Nocturne on February 9th, there were a number of short individual performances (personal artistic reflections) throughout the building that were visual and performative translations of the new ‘chapter’ for Orlando.
Participating students: Varenka Theunynck, Sasha Kurensky, Yorviq Macaay, Stefan Droger, Beaudine Dermine, Kato Cornil.
Supervision: Branko Popovic (FASHIONCLASH, co-curator Fitting In) and Joost Horward (Toneelacademie)
Impressions from the Nocturne, February 9th at Z33
All images by Branko Popovic