KOORKAPPEN Project (Choir robes project) In cooperation with Heiligdomsvaart Maastricht 2018
In 2011, FASHIONCLASH presented the ‘Fashion Procession’ project in cooperation with the Heiligdomsvaart Maastricht. In this Fashion Procession, models showed the designs inspired by liturgical garments in a parade through the city of Maastricht and accompanied by live music. 7 years later, a brand new project, KOORKAPPEN, was initiated and presented with a Fashion Procession in May 2018, followed by an exhibition at the Bonnefantenmuseum during the 10th edition of the FASHIONCLASH Festival.

In the city of Maastricht, we are still confronted with its catholic identity on every corner. While the ties between the church and Maastricht’s society are becoming ever looser, the catholic ‘culture pattern’ in the city continues to exist. The identity of the city as a religious center and pilgrim city is still alive. The ‘Rich Roman life’, the beauty and splendor, the processions and liturgical robes are still there. Half a century ago, the people of Maastricht were part of the Heiligdomsvaart celebration and they were actively involved due to their personal religious convictions. The two previous editions (2004, 2011) were more ‘festivities to watch’ by the majority of the population and the occasional visitors. Nowadays, it is mainly a celebration of cultural heritage.
That is exactly the starting point for the KOORKAPPEN (choir robes) project, a cooperation between FASHIONCLASH and Heligdomsvaart Maastricht. Designers are invited to create a new design inspired by the historical choir robes and their meaning. The basilica of Saint Servaas in Maastricht is in possession of a number of very beautiful 18th century choir robes made of rich fabrics, decorated with the most precious materials and often with beautiful embroidery depicting religious representations. Choir robes have been worn through the ages by priests who preside over the service and carry their mercy to the people in word and thought.
Especially for the designers in this project the basilica of Saint Servaas will reveal these treasures, an each designer was assigned one of the robes so that it can serve as inspiration. The question is, how does the new generation look at a traditional and religious subject?
The KOORKAPPEN Project will be shown on Sunday the 6th of May by means of a Fashion Procession in the city centre and then exhibited during the FASHIONCLASH Festival in the Bonnefantenmuseum. In this exhibition, the original 18th century robes will be presented alongside the new designs.
Participating designers:
Marlou Breuls
Ebby Port
Laurie Bessems
Tiel Janssen
Lise van Wetten
Enclothed Cognition
Jolieke Kessels
Karlijn Krijger
Iris Claessens
Mona Steinhauser
Julia Aumann
KOORKAPPEN Photoshoot Photography Anton Fayle & Sem Shayne Hair: Cindy de Vogel @ KEVIN.MURPHY Make-Up: Rachel Ritzen @ Make-Up My Religion and Ellis Faas Models: Naverone Cole, Claudia de Wilde