On Sunday the 10th of September 2017, during Parcours Maastricht, FabricAge unveiled the first textile creations with an exhibition at Mosae Forum in Maastricht. The textile creations are designed by five fashion designers, six experienced crafts buddies, and made my more than 150 seniors during 250 hours.
The starting point for the designs was the city of Maastricht; the different neighborhoods and the diversity of inhabitants, but also the power of connection and cohesion. The five designers are Maarten van Mulken, Verena Klein, Ebby Port, Jolijn Fiddelaers (IXX) and Suzanne Vaessen (STRIKKS).
Following the success of last year’s project ‘LET'S (AD)DRESS THE PEOPLE’, FASHIONCLASH and Tout Maastricht joined forces again to transform this multidisciplinary social design project into a sustainable and distinctive textile product & label: FabricAge. The objective of FASHIONCLASH and Tout Maastricht is to establish a unique fabric design label which emphasizes on the active participation of the elderly and traditional crafts, bringing together the arts and crafts of textile design with the tangible and intangible heritage of our culture. FabricAge facilitates communities of all ages to come together, to connect through creativity, to gain meaning and to become visible to society.

FabricAge develops high-end one-of-a-kind textile designs, based on the wishes and preferences of clients, visualized by talented designers, crafted by experts, and collectively created by the senior community. Each design and process are tailor-made, giving participants the opportunity to be part of a challenging, educational, social and creative experience, and enabling them to contribute to a unique end result. This can range from an outspoken textile art object to an eye-catching wall decor.
From 1 June until 15 July 2017 the production of the first FabricAge design piece took place during more than 50 creative crafts & textile workshops at pop-up ateliers in Centre Céramique and various community centers in Maastricht. Textile designers Jolijn Fiddelaers (IXX), Suzanne Vaessen (STRIKKS), Maarten van Mulken, Ebby Port and Verena Klein worked intensively with craft experts Marjo van Knippenberg, Ingrid Reinhoud, Tiel Janssen, Brenda Prins, Ans Limpens and Miren Cals, covering the techniques of experimental knitting, embroidery, weaving and braiding. Together with the senior participants (55+), textile designs were created, which where revealed to the public during Het Parcours 2017, a large-scale cultural event on 10 September 2017 in Maastricht.
FabricAge is an initiative of FASHIONCLASH and Stichting Tout Maastricht and is made possible thanks to the support of Fonds voor Cultuurparticipatie (Cultural Participation Fund), the City of Maastricht, Stichting Kanunnik Salden/Nieuwenhof, Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds, Centre Céramique, Coffeelovers, Trajekt.
Photography: Sem Shayne, Karin Kikkert