FASHIONCLASH Festival - Side Program 2015

Impressions of Side Program activities and events from June 11 - 14. Images by Karen Kikkert, except images of Jasna Rokegem performance at de Bijenkorf.

More information about the 2015 Side Program: here


FASHIONCLASH Festival 2015: Graduationshow of MAFAD

Maastricht Academy of Fine Arts & Design presens their graduates of 2015: Carina Schulte+Julia Aumann+Mona Steinhaeusser+Natalie Barschewski+Paula Reichert+Rachel Prijs+Reinder Schmidt+Verena Klein

Fashionclash Festival 2015, Show 5

Performance Overdone by Cousin +HANA FRISONSOVA (CZE)+Patrick de Padua (PT)+Ying Ying Guo(Nl)+Phyllis Berlin (DE)+Bluedenimes&Minou Lejeune (NL)+BOLA (PL)+Flora Miranda (BE/AT)